On December 5, 2012, Judge Judge Caldwell appointed the law firm Preis Gordon, APLC (“Preis Gordon”), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as Class Counsel based upon their past experience in similar litigation with similar legal claims. Preis Gordon has worked on this Action since August 2009, and has spent time and resources identifying and pursuing these claims and other claims in state and federal courts at every level including the United States Supreme Court.   If you have questions about whether or not your rights may be impacted by the Action, please contact Class Counsel by phone or email:


P.O. Box 2786 (70821-2786)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 
Phone:  (225) 387-0707

Email: marilyn@preislaw.com

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To assist the Court and the parties in maintaining accurate lists of Class members, you are requested to notify Class Counsel of your preferred phone number and email address. Please send this information by mail or email to the addresses set forth below.  In addition, mail or email any notice of any changes in your address to:

Stanford Trust Class Action Litigation
P.O. Box 2786
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821
QUESTIONS, please email: marilyn@preislaw.com

If this Notice was forwarded to you by the postal service, or if it was otherwise sent to you at an address that is not current, you should immediately contact marilyn@preislaw.com and provide Class Counsel with your correct address.  If Class Counsel does not have your correct address, you may not receive notice of important developments in this Action.