7/20/2024: Louisiana Supreme Court Per Curiam Opinion Making the Trial and OFI Documents Public

7/19/2024: Minute Entry. Trial will begin on Tuesday, July 23 at 9:00A.M.

6/11/2024: Order Granting Class Members' Motion for OFI Pre-2005 Documents

6/11/2024: Order Denying OFI's Motion to Compel

5/24/2024: Notice to the Court regarding Mailing of Class Notices with postmark date May 24, 2024.

5/21/2024: Order approving Class Notice to be issued to putative (potential) class members.

5/11/2023: Order setting trial date for June 22, 2024.

11/16/2022: Order of the La. Supreme Court denying the Writ of OFI Relating to Duty (11/16/2022)

8/2/2022: ​Order of the First Circuit Denying the Writ of OFI relating to Duty (2022-CW-0529).

10/22/2021: Judgment Signed by Judge Johnson Denying OFI's Motion for Summary Judgment.


2/2/2018: Order from Louisiana Supreme Court Denying OFI Cert Application on Class Certification (2017 - C- 2010).

11/1/2017: Opinion of the First Circuit Court of Appeals Denying OFI's Appeal of the Class Certification Order (Lillie v. Stanford Tr. Co., 2013-1995 (La. App. 1 Cir. 11/1/17), 235 So. 3d 1139).

12/17/2012: Judgment signed December 17, 2012 by Honorable R. Michael Caldwell granting Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification

12/5/2012: Transcript of Oral Reasons for Judgment on December 5, 2012 Granting Motion for Class Certification by Honorable R. Michael Caldwell and certifying the litigation as a class action. 

8/20/2009: Plaintiffs' Original Petition for Damages naming Stanford Trust Company, SEI, and the State of Louisiana through the Office of Financial Institutions, OFI, and First Amended Petition naming SEI Private Trust Company (in globo)

Please be advised that the State of Louisiana through the Office of Financial Institutions' documents are regulated by La. R.S. 6:103(H) and several pleadings are not included herein because of the Confidentiality Order in place as of February 2, 2011. 

​​Court Documents: Please Click on the Date of the Court Document to review